Vision :

To contribute to sustainable socio-economic development through geo-scientific studies and scientific management of mineral resources in the kingdom.

Mission :
  • To enable optimal exploitation of the mineral resource in a scientific manner compatible with the social and economic policy of the Royal Government and within the framework of sustainable development, protection of environment, mineral conservation and preservation of the country's precious religious and cultural heritage.

  • To provide input for national development and social welfare to the citizens of Bhutan by opening up venue for investment and employment;

  • To apply geo-scientific expertise in prevention and mitigation of natural disasters resulting from geological hazards, thus contributing to the welfare of all Bhutanese citizens leading to Gross National Happiness

Objectives :
  • To enhance economic growth through sector diversification.

  • To enable legal and regulatory framework for sustainable, environment friendly & socially responsible mineral industry in the country.

  • To reduce risk associated with geo-hazards.

  • To enhance mines leasing, inspection and monitoring.

  • To strengthen geo-scientific and mining institutional capacity.

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Top 5 Minerals by Production(Bhutan)

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